Hell Is For Real!

Rawlings_CD_LabelDr. Maurice Rawlings, a Cardiologist and former agnostic, used CPR and a pacemaker to revive a postal worker who died during a treadmill test in his office.  When the man would regain consciousness, he would cry out, “Don’t stop, don’t stop! Don’t you know that each time you stop I die and go to hell!”  Dr. Rawlings told him to shut up and keep his hell to himself until he got the pacemaker installed.  After this and other similar experiences, Rawlings wrote two bestselling books, Beyond Death’s Door, and To Hell and Back. Rawlings wote, “I found out it may not be safe to die!”  Rawlings hosted a video compilation of testimonies of people who went to to hell and back.  Below are the audio tracks of their stories.

Note: The website www.divinerevelations.info has an online reasonable quality video & audio copy of this VHS tape put out by the Trinity Broadcasting Network. Here is the link: Download

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